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SICK! FESTIVAL | Mats Staub: Death and Birth In My Life
This is a SICK! FESTIVAL Commission and UK Premiere. Death and Birth In My Life invites the audience to listen in on a series of intimate conversations about the most moving and challenging experiences in life. Developed with staff from the Intensive Care Unit at Manchester Royal Infirmary, Mats Staub’s powerful video installation focuses on experiences of death, grief and end-of-life care. Personal stories of care and loss are shared, and ethical dilemmas confronted with honesty and warmth.
This is a past exhibition which ran from Wednesday 18 September to Sunday 6 October 2019
Mats Staub lives and works in Berlin, creating art projects at the intersections between theatre and exhibition, literature and science. Rooted in a fascination for the most significant moments in people’s lives, moments in people’s lives – moments that are unique and personal, yet also universal – Staub’s work enables the audience to feel connections with other human beings.
Watch the Death and Birth In My Life trailer
Part of SICK! FESTIVAL 2019
Image: SICK! FESTIVAL 2019, Mats Staub, Death and Birth In My Life. Copyright the artist.